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  • Writer's pictureDanielle Fink

In a Home

Why doesn't he see me?

I feel silly for trying to find what I was missing many years ago.

Plants can’t grow if nobody planted any seeds

even if you expect a great big tree to have grown up years later.

What am I, in the wind, in the fall, in the summer, a first try or a second thought

To you who can’t seem to look up from your new this and new that, as I am silently pleading out to you behind closed doors.

So busy mending stranger’s wounds, unfamiliar and unforgiving in their own right, yet Blind to his own blood’s tortuous bleeding.

What’s in a home?

tree sprouts would start to bloom through the cracks of the floorboards,

He probably wouldn’t even notice.

Reigniting a fire is no simple task,

But he did it fast and quick with a smile and no possible idea how I could be on my bathroom floor night after night waiting for him to look.

Shameful souls walk low and slow, Getting knocked which way the wind wants

His love is contentious, with slammed doors and desperate words- But isn't that all love somehow?

Acceptance is grinding my teeth in my sleep for the rest of my life,

and leaning on the flame in my heart to look within myself

I guess we see the world in a totally different way but every

Body is hurting so badly right now and it’s not the time to be seeking decade-old desires.

The timeless circle we’re in has given me the chance to look at the ghost of the seeds I tried to plant long before.

In the mirror, I can see myself clearly.

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